Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 23

Today, I am thankful for the ability to travel.

I absolutely LOVE to travel. Whether it's just a weekend trip to Vegas, or a trip across the country to see New York City at Christmas, I don't think there are many things better than seeing other parts of the country and other parts of the world (besides seeing this gorgeous sunset from last night):


I've had the ability to see Paris at Christmas and New York City at Christmas, two experiences I wouldn't trade for anything. We went to France when I was a freshman in college and spent two weeks in Paris and champagne country where Stefan's half-brother lives. Although I don't speak French, it was one of the most incredible experiences to see another part of the world at Christmas. 

Last year, we were able to go to New York City for Christmas. New York City WAS Christmas. It was so beautiful, I don't know that there's a better place to spend Christmas. Even though it was absolutely freezing, I don't think I would've changed anything about the trip.

I wish I could travel more... I'm so thankful that I'm not afraid to fly and that I've been able to see other parts of the country through traveling for work. Last year, I traveled for about 6 months straight, and while I saw some not-so-fun places, I was able to see some really beautiful and interesting places, too. 

I love interacting with people in different places. Dallas by far has the friendliest people (and the most fun accents!) NYC is probably my favorite vacation so far, but there's never wrong with a relaxing trip to Mexico on the beach! Our next trip is to Vegas in January for Stefan's birthday, and we're trying to plan a trip somewhere tropical for our 5-year anniversary in September. Africa is always in the back of my mind and always tops my bucket list, but I think I'll need to plan a couple years ahead of time because I want to make sure I get to see/do EVERYTHING... 

If only money grew on trees... 

1 comment:

StoneEffect said...

I love to travel too! I had to opportunity to be in NY at Christmas a couple years ago... Sadly it was one of the warmest Christmases they every had... 55 & raining wasn't quite the Christmas in NY I had envisioned. But I've been to NYC enough times that I wasn't overly disappointed.

I'm looking forward to when I can finaly get Stone his passport and then we can really start to explore the world.