Sunday, September 26, 2010

Man's best friend...

Being a pet owner is one of the greatest experiences in the world. Animals and humans share such an incredible bond, and only those that have animals understand this connection. They become members of your family and nothing can come between a dog's love for it's owner. 

If they get mad at you, it only lasts for seconds.

They don't hold grudges.

They don't talk back. 

They have an unconditional love.

They make the best companions.

They look up to you and count on you for survival.

As with all of the incredible moments, having to say goodbye to a pet is one of the most heartwrenching experiences. My friend Ron's dog, Roxy passed away yesterday. When I heard the news, my heart sank. There's such a strong emotion involved with knowing someone who has lost such an important member of their life.

Considering the short amount of time it takes to bond with a pet and the short lifespan they live, I wish the lifespan of animals lasted longer than some humans.

What makes the experience of having a pet so gratifying is knowing that whatever you did, your pet appreciated every second of their life. I know Roxy had a wonderful life and appreciated everything she experienced..... she had a great owner and loving companion. Knowing she's back to running around and playing like she did in her healthy years should provide some sense of peace.  

My heart goes out to you, Ron... Rest in Peace, Roxy.


Frogger said...

Thank you so much Julie. although i'm pissed you just made me cry!

Dawn. said...

such a sad, yet sweet post!