Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Punch List....

My friend Jordan just posted her "punch list," which was inspiration from the blog Things I Want to Punch in the Face and I felt inspired to do the same.... Although most people list their top 10, I couldn't stop at 10.... so here are my top 25 (in no particular order):

1. Those annoying stickers that people put on their cars representing how many people are in their family. If you have a giant suburban with greasy finger prints and stickers all over the window, I already know you must have children.

2. Bikers who don't ride in the bike lane. Unless your bike can accelerate like my car does when the light turns green and you can pedal the speed limit, don't ride in the regular lanes. Bike lanes were made for a reason.

3. The word "epic." It is over-used and annoying.

4. Shakira. She sounds like a frog when she sings and she just bugs me.

5. People who update their facebook statuses in third person. Do you talk like that in real life? I didn't think so, so stop it!!

6. Fake designer purses. What is the point? I don't get it. There are PLENTY of nice inexpensive purses out there. Why would you pay $100 for a fake LV or Coach? Doesn't make sense to me.

7. All of the ridiculous virtual games on facebook. If people want to harvest their crops or pretend like they're in the mafia that's fine, but there IS an "ignore" button.

8. Revolving doors.

9. Arizona newscasters. "Carwash on 32nd and Camelback today" does not qualify as news, sorry.

10. Self-portraits people take of themselves on their cell phones in front of mirrors, usually taken in bathrooms. First, do you really need a mirror to take your picture? Can't you take it of yourself without a mirror? Second, you think we can't see the toilet in the background?? Gross.

11. Umbrellas. People who use umbrellas are usually tourists or people who are not used to the rain. Get a jacket with a hood on it, umbrellas are just dumb.

12. Ryan Seacrest. I don't think this one needs an explanation.

13. Anyone over the age of 3 that cannot eat/drink something without making a slurping or smacking noise. It's annoying, obnoxious and disgusting.

14. People who take the elevator to go up/down one flight of stairs.

15. Late people. Usually late people think it's funny when they say "oh I'm always late" - it's not funny. If you say you're going to be there at 6, be there at 6.... better yet, get there 10 minutes early. It's the right thing to do.

16. Ringtones. The last thing I want to hear when I'm sitting in the airport is "Party in the USA" coming from your phone.

17. Political discussions with people on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum. There really is no point to try and persuade me, just like I know you're not going to listen to anything I'm going to say either. It's just not worth it. You believe what you believe, and I'll believe what I believe. I'm not going to change my mind, so just let it be.

18. Parents who update their facebook statuses with "Johnny had the biggest blowout in his diaper today!" or "Katie went pee pee in the big girl toilet today!" This is not what I want to read when I'm eating my breakfast. Yes, I understand this is a milestone, but not everyone on facebook wants to read about it.
19. Speaking of facebook, people who talk about working out all the time. "At the gym again for the 15th time today, it's gonna be an intense workout!" Completing a marathon is one thing, but going to yoga, spinning class, pilates, and then running 2470 miles in one day is just annoying (and likely not even true).

20. Bad grammar and misspelled words. There is a difference between they're, their and there. Know the difference. Same with your and you're. Drives me insane.

21. Parents who don't discipline their children and let them run around like wild animals in public places.

22. People who use excessive abbreviations in text messages. I shouldn't have to ask a 12 year old to translate.

23. People who walk slow, or walk slow and then stop right in the middle of a walkway to have a conversation or point at something. If you're going to walk slow or decide to stop, move to the right, just like if you were driving in a car. Come to think of it, these are probably the people who drive slow in the far left lane. Speed up or get out of the way!!!

24. Incorrect use of words or phrases. This goes along with people who constantly use the same words (usually in the wrong context) - GET a new vocabulary!

25. People who sit next to you on the plane and don't get the hint that you do not want to have a conversation. When I have my headphones on, that doesn't mean you should ask what I'm listening to, or if I'm reading a book or magazine, that does not give you permission to ask 20 questions about what I'm reading. Leave me alone!

The end.

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