Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I used to buy jewelry to match my clothes.....

... but now I buy clothes to match my jewelry.

I'm not sure which is better for my wallet--- but I've become obsessed with Dirty Pretty Things jewelry and I cannot get enough.

When I first went to the website I knew I would instantly be hooked. The pieces are so unique and the first line, the Marie Neville Collection has such a relatable story. Since I was a kid, I've always done my own thing when it comes to fashion and I absolutely love finding things that are different and stand out. This jewelry is just that.... I never thought that wearing a rosary with a bullet on the end combined with a St. Christopher medallion necklace would feel so empowering.... and I LOVE it.

Since I have nearly every necklace in the first collection, I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the second line, the Medea Maple Collection. If there's a web site counter for the number of times people visit the site, I would most likely win the award for most visits. I decided right away that I would have my stuff shipped to work for a couple of reasons:

1) I get them earlier in the day... I would rather get it at noon then have to wait until I get home at night... I'm an instant gratification type of person.
2) Who doesn't like getting fun packages at work?
3) My husband doesn't notice the frequency of my purchases.

It's become a joke at work too--- whenever I'm back at my desk and I have a package delivered the immediate reaction from my co-workers is "more jewelry, Julie??"

I guess it could be worse.... right?

Much love to the DPT girls for creating this stuff.....

Check it out--- http://www.dptjewelry.com/


Ceashells said...

Oh gurl, you are soooo my kind of person!Accessories is what it's all about! I buy shoes and jewelry to match my clothes. " handbag is a wish your heart makes" is one of my favorite sayings......love it~

Dawn. said...

I so love all your accessories and their site is amazing!! :)