Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 random things about me...

1. When I was little, I told everyone I wanted to be a clown and a cheerleader when I grew up.

2. My first sentence was "what y'all doin?" (And I'm not from the south)

3. I absolutely LOVE sunrises and sunsets.... I think they're the most beautiful things in the world.

4. I have an obsession for shoes... or you could say I just collect them.

5. I was voted "worst driver" in high school.

6. I have 11 nieces and nephews... plus 3 on Stefan's side of the family, and my oldest niece is only 3.5 years younger than me.

7. We take our dogs to doggie daycare every day during the week.... they have too much energy to leave at home all day.

8. I am "red" on the color code assessment.... I am apparently driven by power and always have to be right. I think Stefan can agree with that.

9. I was born in Montana, but consider Washington my home (and LOVE LOVE LOVE my Seattle Seahawks!)

10. I am afraid of ladybugs.

11. I took ballet and tap when I was little, then gymnastics for 6 years, and then switched over to drill team and cheerleading. I also ran the 800m and did long and triple jump in junior high. Then I decided that running was boring, and I wasn't any good at the jumps. :)

12. I would prefer a piece of fruit over candy or chocolate any day.

13. My dad is a collector--- he has a sports bar in my parents house and has thousands of autographs from athletes... and he also has a Pez collection :)

14. My mom is probably the most patient person in the world... clearly I didn't get those genes.

15. I've had two extra bones in my body removed, one in my left leg and the other in my right foot.... I'm convinced I was supposed to be a twin.

16. I absolutely LOVE planning things and being the hostess.

17. I am a perfectionist and love to organize things.

18. I work better when I have a lot on my plate... I've always been this way, and don't think I will ever change.
19. I have a newfound passion for Bikram Yoga and encourage anyone to try it...

20. I don't have patience for ignorant people.

21. I have a problem staying awake during movies.... any movie, any time of day, and any place.... even in the theater.

22. I have a double-jointed right hip, and I can make it pop out of its socket.

23. I love to read autobiographies... especially the ones about people coming from difficult backgrounds, mental disorders, etc.

24. I love that my imac has spell check on EVERYTHING.

25. I love music, singing, and dancing.... but I'm not good at singing, so I only do it in the car when I'm driving to yoga at 4am and need to do something to keep me awake :)

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