Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Seahawks: you owe me a favor.

I don't know how many times I tell people that I NEVER get sick. I get my flu shot every year, I'm a nazi about washing my hands and I'm thankful for a very healthy immune system. It was probably a combination of the rainy/cold weather + little sleep + yelling at the seahawks game a few weeks ago + being on a plane twice in 3 days that probably did it for me. I hadn't got my flu shot yet, and of course, got the flu. I hadn't been that sick in a LONG time, I could barely move, I had a fever, couldn't move, my body hurt.... but thankfully I had a wonderful husband that was the best nurse. Normally I'M the nurse, taking care of HIM... but I must say, he did a dang good job putting up with me!

Then it turned into a cough.... a dry annoying cough that wouldn't go away for almost 2 weeks. I was ready to slit my throat or chop my head off, whatever would get rid of it. One day last week when I was home working, I couldn't stop coughing... I coughed so hard that I did something to my neck. After I did it I was like "man, what the heck did I do?! All I did was cough!" When Stefan came home and I could barely turn my neck, all he did was laugh. "Seriously Julie, you're a mess." And then I started crying. I was a mess.

Then after a visit to the doctor and some magical cough syrup, I was only left with the neck issue. The doctor (thankfully) didn't laugh when I told him it was from coughing, he said "coughing is actually more violent than people think. I'll set you up with some massage therapy if it doesn't go away in a few days." Just my luck, it got worse. Sharp, stabbing pain in my neck for the past 5 days... went BACK to the freaking doctor who gave me some crazy muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. Side note: muscle relaxers make me feel strange, I'm not a fan. Diagnosis: Cervical and thoracic sprain. SERIOUSLY?!? I was not rear-ended in a car accident, it's not whiplash!!! Absolutely ridiculous. Treatment: Massage and Physical Therapy. Even more ridiculous. I am beyond annoyed at this point and hope this dumb treatment plan makes it go away quickly. And by quickly, I mean yesterday.

All from a dang cough (go ahead and laugh, Stefan's done his fair share of it).... and to think that it was likely a result of my yelling at the Seahawks game a few weeks ago. You're welcome Seahawks, just do me a favor and please beat the cardinals again on Sunday for me. I am pretty sure that will be the cure for my neck. Thank you.

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