Sunday, November 14, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 13

Today, I am thankful for the abundance of resources available to us in this country.

Electricity, water, garbage services, sewer, etc. Pretty much anything I pay a bill for every month, I'm actually quite thankful. Every once in a while when the power goes out, it's interesting how quickly we go to flick on a light switch out of habit, or try to use the microwave and of course... it doesn't work. We've become so accustomed to using these things, that when the power goes out for a few hours, we act like we don't know what to do!

I'm thankful that we live in an era where these things are readily available for regular use. I'm thankful that I have a car that I can drive, and a gas station that's just down the street. All of the little things that we don't normally think about.... things in this day in age we just couldn't live without.

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