Friday, September 24, 2010

A little bit of Chicken Fried...

My mom surprised my dad with a trip to Denver to see the Seahawks play in Denver this past weekend and another surprise was in store for him when he arrived at the Denver airport..... me!

When my mom told me about it a few months ago, I figured it would be a fun trip, so I got a ticket too! I arrived a day early and met up with my friend Erin and her new baby for lunch and then met up with my college friend, Holly in Boulder! She is a nanny for two adorable kids, so we spent the afternoon at her parents house and at the park hanging out with the kids. After we dropped the kids off, she gave me a little tour of Boulder. We went up towards Flagstaff in the Flatiron Mountains and had an incredible view of the city! Then we went to dinner at this really good French restaurant called Ten Ten and then walked Pearl Street. It reminded me so much of the north end of Tacoma and parts of Seattle. Such a fun college town! We went back to her place, I met her husband and then had to get up early to meet my family at the airport!

I met my sister and Chett at the airport and we waited for my parents together. My dad saw me and pointed like "what the heck is SHE doing here?!" He yanked my moms shoulder and said "THAT'S JULIE!" and my mom said "Are you sure you don't mean Debbie?" :)

We had such a fun weekend.... my sister and her husband opened a bar in Sterling over a year ago and it was so fun to see it full with a bunch of customers! They did such a great job and I don't know HOW they handle a bunch of drunk people all the time! They are both FABULOUS bartenders, too :) We spent both nights in Sterling at the bar, and took my niece Kayla to a movie the other night... Sterling is such a small little town and every time we go there, we can't go into a restaurant or store without someone knowing my sister or brother-in-law. Not sure I could live in such a small town, but they're doing so well and that's all that matters! We went to Denver on Sunday for the Seahawks/Broncos game... we painted my dad's hair lime green and besides this one a$$hole and his girlfriend, it was so much fun. Despite the 92 degree temps at kickoff, the people sitting in front of us, and the loss, it was cool to see the hawks play at an away game. I still prefer home games though :)

After the game we drove straight to Red Rocks for a concert! To be honest, I hadn't really heard of the Zac Brown band, but the venue was amazing!!! The band was really talented, they're such incredible musicians, even if it's not what I listen to on a regular basis. While everyone was singing along to the songs, I thought my dad was going to pass out when I told him I had never heard the song "Chicken Fried." I have since downloaded 4 of their songs... yes, country songs. :)

It was a short weekend, but definitely fun!

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