Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well today is the big day! Stefan is 30!!

Most of you know that I've been planning a few surprises for the last several months and I can't believe it's finally here!! I'm known for having lots of lists, so last night when Stefan got home I had a "To Do" list ready for him... His reaction when I told him I had a list for him was a little annoyed, but it looked something like this:

Stefan's To Do List for 1/6/10:

1) Take the garbage out to the street
2) Finish discussion questions for school, get ahead on participation for the week

3) Pack bags / let Julie help you so it doesn't take 5 hours
4) Optional: Email your team to let them know you won't be back until Tuesday (your boss already knows).
5) Give your wife a big hug for pulling off this surprise!!

His first response was "I don't have the time!" but he had a huge grin on his face and when I showed him the tickets to Seattle (I don't think he believed we were actually going anywhere) he was really excited and got a start on his packing (which thankfully only took an hour and a half, compared to the 5+ hours it took for NYC).

I'm so excited for the rest of the surprises in store for him tonight! And just in case he happens to check my blog (there would be a 1 in a million chance) I won't spoil the surprise and instead, I'll just update again tomorrow.


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