Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1 day down... 29 to go....

I started the 30-day Bikram Yoga challenge today....

A little breakdown of my day.... and what will be my routine for the next 30 days as I take on this crazy challenge:

3:40am: Alarm goes off.... I hit snooze.

3:45am: Snooze again...

3:50am: Get out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, grab my yoga stuff and head out the door by 4am

4:40am: Arrive at Bikram Yoga Institute in Scottsdale, pay for the challenge, sign my name up on the challenge board, get my pic taken (you can't imagine how beautiful I look at this hour... I don't understand the poing of the picture yet), drop off my stuff and head into the toasty warm room!

5-6:30am: Wonderful yoga practice!! I'm starting to balance much better on my right foot... my right leg is still a little smaller than my left leg from being in a cast for a couple months, but definitely getting better..

6:40am: Shower, head to work... (Starbucks on the way for some tea and oatmeal)

7:00am: Arrive at work, finish getting ready....

7:30-4/5ish: Work....

I'm really excited to continue with this challenge
for the next 30 days and hope I'm able to
catch up on some sleep on the weekends!~
A video of the Director at the studio where I practice....

1 comment:

Dawn. said...

Amazing Julie!!! Keep it up - you are awesome! :)