Saturday, December 13, 2008


Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle

So last night we had our annual holiday party with my work, and we went to a murder mystery mansion dinner. When we walked in (through a Chinese restaurant), I realized it was far from a mansion and was a little worried as to how it would turn out....They seated us in the front table and since I heard they took people from the audience to be a part of the show all I was thinking was "great, just my luck!" Stefan on the other hand, was ecstatic about sitting in the front and was just waiting to be picked out of the audience.

When they started the show, I couldn't stop laughing.... not because it was particularly funny, but because it was so cheesy! Once they started getting people from the audience it was hard to stop laughing.... especially when my boss was up there, and of course, Stefan eventually made his way up there too. Stefan stole the show when he was in a dance-off with a few other people from the audience and danced with another man (dressed as a woman). It was the funniest thing I've seen in a while, and he clearly enjoyed himself on stage.

I realized that there is nothing like a good laugh, and no matter how bad of a day you've had, or how stressed out you have been, laughter can turn all of that around. We had a really fun time last night and as cheesy as it was, it was so nice to not have to think about work, responsibilities, or anything and just enjoy a good laugh with good company.

Carry laughter with you wherever you go. ~Hugh Sidey

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